2020 – New challenges
EasyCharge 2 components can be found in more and more charging infrastructure systems.
the journey continues…
2018-2019 – Broad Portfolio of Solutions
2016-2017 – Growth
EASD is growing continuously. EASD is active in the Energy Saxony cluster and in the CLEANTECH Initiative East Germany (CIO).
2014-2015 – Measuring and Simulating Electric Mobility
As partner of Aartesys AG from Switzerland, EASD develops the web monitor for the new AarteLink warning system for geo-hazards.
2013 – EA Systems Dresden GmbH takes off
Commissioned by the Lohmen and Oberhof municipalities, we pioneered the incorporation of simulation studies into future energy supply concepts.
2009-2012 – Technology development and first applications
Together with Torsten Schwan and TU Dresden, the framework project ‘Residence and Mobility’ is begun. The aim is to develop basic technologies for electric mobility, building energy management and energy system simulation.
2008 – Reference Building
2006 – Die Anfänge
The groundbreaking technology, first tested in this project, was further developed by thermea GmbH into large industrial heat pumps. Today these heat pumps, named thermeco, are used in highly efficient industrial air dryers, refrigeration and heat supply systems.